Distribution of Pacinian corpuscles in the mesentery of the cat and their histochemical study 猫肠系膜环层小体的定位分布及其酶组织化学的研究
Histochemical observations on the nuclei of Pacinian corpuscles 环层小体细胞核的一些组织化学上的观察
The study of pacinian corpuscles in the mesentery of the rat 大鼠肠系膜环层小体的分布
Electron microscopic study of nervous efferent pathway to Pacinian corpuscles of the mesentery in cat 至猫肠系膜Pacini小体的传出神经通路的电镜研究
Regeneration process of pacinian corpuscles after nerve implanting into denervated skin 失神经支配皮肤植入神经环层小体的再生过程
The threshold-frequency relationships for the individual Herbst corpuscles show that the Herbst corpuscles possess "bandpass-filter" property like the mammalian Pacinian corpuscles. Their best frequencies cover a frequency range of 400-1000 Hz. 不同的Herbst小体的反应阈值与频率的关系曲线表明:这种小体具有明显的带通滤波的特征,对振动反应的最佳频率范围为400&1000赫。
We found no Pacinian corpuscles in the musculus tibialis anterior. 但在胫前肌内未看到环层小体。
The normal structure of Pacinian corpuscles from cat mesentery and their degeneration changes after transection of the bilateral major splanchnic nerves were observed under electron microscope. 电镜下观察了猫肠系膜正常Pacini小体的结构及双侧切断内脏大神经后其中央轴突和邻近结构的变性改变。
Conclusion: There were Ruffini corpuscles, Pacinian corpuscles, Golgi tendon organ like corpuscles, atypical mechanoreceptors and free nerve endings in the remnant of ruptured ACL. It is material base of remnant preservation during ACL reconstruction. 结论:ACL残端中存在的机械感受器有:Ruffini小体、Pacinian小体、Golgi样腱器官、非典型感受器及游离神经末梢,这是ACL保残重建的物质基础。